It's a jungle

"It's a jungle out there! Have fun exploring it, but watch out for swinging monkeys!"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Fun!

There are many things about winter that my children love.  Building snowmen, tobogganing, skating.... let's just say they love winter!  Two things in particular that they love to do are painting the snow, and making snow lobsters.  I know what you're thinking, "Snow Lobster?!"  It's really simple.  Instead of lying down on your back you lay down on your stomach.  Move your arms and legs the same way you would if you were making a snow angel except that when you get up ..... you'll see a snow lobster.  This works really great in the summer too!  Next time you go to the beach have your monkey children try making sand lobster!  For painting the snow you simply fill empty plastic bottles, like a ketchup bottle, with water.  Put a few drops of food colouring in the water, screw the lid back on an let your monkey children squirt the coloured water on the snow.  They can make a whole rainbow of colours!  Try it!  It's soooo much fun!